Civilization Wiki
Information Networks
Information Networks (SMAC)
Tech stats
Short quote The foundation of scientific research
Rank Discover 1
Requisites None
Leads to Nonlinear Mathematics
Polymorphic Software
Planetary Networks
Base Facilities Network Node
Secret Projects None
Unit Advances None

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"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil."
– Sister Miriam Godwinson, "A Blessed Struggle"

Survival equipment from the Unity contained a variety of computers purpose-built for the needs of a frontier society. However, they must first be connected into Information Networks before scientists can utilize their power.

Alpha Centauri Technologies
Build Adaptive EconomicsX Advanced Ecological Engineering Bio-Engineering Biomachinery Cyberethics Environmental Economics Gene Splicing Industrial Automation Industrial Base Industrial Economics Industrial Nanorobotics Matter Editation Matter Transmission Monopole Magnets Nanominiaturization Planetary Economics Probability Mechanics Quantum Machinery Silksteel Alloys Social Psych Super Tensile Solids Temporal Mechanics
Conquer Adaptive DoctrineX Advanced Military Algorithms Applied Physics Bioadaptive ResonanceX Controlled Singularity Doctrine: Loyalty Field ModulationX High Energy Chemistry Matter Compression Mind/Machine Interface N-Space CompressionX Neural Grafting Nonlinear Mathematics Organic Superlubricant Photon/Wave Mechanics Retroviral Engineering Sentient ResonanceX String ResonanceX Superconductor Superstring Theory Unified Field Theory
Discover Advanced Spaceflight Advanced Subatomic Theory Applied Relativity Biogenetics Digital Sentience Frictionless Surfaces Fusion Power Information Networks Optical Computers Orbital Spaceflight Planetary Networks Polymorphic Software Pre-Sentient Algorithms Quantum Power Secrets of Alpha Centauri Secrets of Creation Secrets of the Human Brain Secrets of the ManifoldsX Self-Aware Machines Singularity Mechanics Transcendent Thought
Explore Applied Gravitonics Centauri Ecology Centauri Empathy Centauri Genetics Centauri Meditation Centauri Psi Doctrine: Air Power Doctrine: Flexibility Doctrine: Initiative Doctrine: Mobility Ecological Engineering Ethical Calculus Eudaimonia Graviton Theory Homo Superior Intellectual Integrity Nanometallurgy Progenitor PsychX Sentient Econometrics Synthetic Fossil Fuels The Will to Power Threshold of Transcendence
X Added in Alien Crossfire