Civilization Wiki

Game Info

A Great Person Great Person Great Person specialized in commerce. Appears once enough Great Merchant Great Merchant Great Merchant points are earned (can be rushed with Gold or Faith through Patronage)

Great Merchants

Name Era Bonus
Colaeus Classical Gain 100 Faith Faith Faith. Grant 1 free copy of the Luxury resource on this tile to your Capital Capital Capital city.
Marcus Licinius Crassus Classical Gain 60 Gold Gold Gold. Your nearest city annexes this tile into its territory.
Zhang Qian Classical Increases Trade Route Trade Route Trade Route capacity by 1. Foreign Trade Route Trade Route Trade Route to this city provide +2 Gold Gold Gold to both cities.
Irene of Athens Medieval Increase Trade Route Trade Route Trade Route capacity by 1. Grants 1 free copy of the Luxury resource on this tile to your capital city
Marco Polo Medieval Grants a free Trader unit in this city, and increases Trade Route Trade Route Trade Route capacity by 1. Foreign Trade Route Trade Route Trade Routes to this city provides +2 Gold Gold Gold to both cities.
Piero de Bardi Medieval Gain 200 Gold Gold Gold and 1 Envoy Envoy Envoy
Giovanni de Medici Renaissance Instantly builds a Market and a Bank in a Commercial district. The Bank gains 2 Great Work slots which can be filled by anything except Relic Relics
Jakob Fugger Renaissance Gain 350 Gold Gold Gold and 2 Envoy Envoy Envoys
Raja Todar Mal Renaissance Domestic Trade Route Trade Route Trade Routes gain +0.5 Gold Gold Gold per district at the destination, gain an Envoy Envoy Envoy
Adam Smith Industrial Adds +1 Economic Policy Economic Policy slot to your government
John Jacob Astor Industrial Gain 500 Gold Gold Gold. Gain 2 Envoy Envoy Envoys.
John Spilsbury Industrial Creates one Toy, which provides +4 Amenities Amenities Amenities.
John Rockefeller Modern Grants 1 Oil, your Trade Route Trade Route Trade Routes gain +2 Gold Gold Gold for each Strategic resource improved by the destination city
Sarah Breedlove Modern +25% Tourism Tourism Tourism rate towards other civilizations you have a Trade Route Trade Route Trade Route to.
Mary Katherine Goddard Modern Gain +1 Diplomatic visibility with other civs.
Helena Rubenstein Atomic Provides 2 copies of Cosmetics, which provide 4 Amenities Amenities Amenities each.
Levi Strauss Atomic Provides +2 Jeans, which provides +4 Amenities Amenities Amenities.
Melitta Bentz Atomic Increases Trade Route Trade Route Trade Route capacity by 1. +25% Tourism Tourism Tourism to other civilizations you have a trade route to.
Estée Lauder Information Provides 2 copies of Perfume, which provide 4 Amenities Amenities Amenities each.
Jamseth Tata Information Campuses provide +10 Tourism Tourism Tourism
Masaru Ibuka Information Industrial Zone districts provide +10 Tourism Tourism Tourism


Historical Context

Of the four things that determine the course of civilization, greed is probably the most pervasive. Once folk settled and started farming and mining, there was always someone who found that others wanted what they had in plenty, and were willing to pay for it. And so merchants fanned out across the globe, trading in everything from grain to gold, hemp to human beings. The most adventurous among these were always seeking new markets, and hence were explorers who brought back knowledge of distant peoples and customs. Some of the greatest discoveries were the product of the greed of these adventurers. Their travels also enriched their nations in more material ways, for the taxes and profits from their trips funded great works of engineering, education, colonization, art, and war. Without the great merchants, civilization would have been much poorer.
