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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Civ4Col/Goods/doc

local data = {}
data["Cloth"] = {
        madefrom = "Cotton",
	notes = [=[Any colonist working as a weaver can convert cotton into cloth.]=],
        cp=[[Beyond actual buildings, woven cloth is one of the earliest signs of growing civilization. The creation of textiles requires tools, training and knowledge so that craftsmen may process raw cotton, wool or flax into usable, wearable cloth. Such techniques developed independently across the globe.<br><br>Cloth became a major industry in Europe in the 18th century. The explosion of cotton growth in the New World meant that textile mills in the Old World could become extremely profitable enterprises. Within a hundred years, the continual technological advances of the textile industry would be one of the major contributors to the onset of the Industrial Revolution.]]}
data["Cigars"] = {
        madefrom = "Tobacco",
	notes = [=[Any colonist working as a tobacconist can convert tobacco into cigars.]=],
        cp=[[While it could also be pipe-smoked and chewed, tobacco was defined by the cigar. The first cigars were created by the natives of the Americas. By drying, curing and rolling the leaves of the tobacco plant, the resulting wrap could be easily smoked, without the need for pipe, cigarette paper or snuff box. Cigars spread across the Atlantic with the returning Spanish sailors. From Spain, this new habit spread across Europe and by 1600 cigar smoking was so popular the king of England thought it his duty to publish a pamphlet warning his people about the dangers of the act of smoking.]]}
data["Coats"] = {
        madefrom = "Furs",
	notes = [=[Any colonist working as a fur trader can convert fur into coats.]=],
        cp=[[Fur coats, hats, and other garments were highly valued by monarchs and aristocracy even before the discovery of the New World. Rare skins could fetch exorbitant prices for the trapper and coat maker lucky enough to find them. One can imagine the fur industry's reaction upon the discovery of an entirely new continent brimming over with the pelts of animals unlike anything else on earth. So popular were the furs of the New World, beavers especially, that pelts actually became a form of currency in many remote trading posts.]]}
data["Cotton"] = {
        madeinto = "Cloth",
	notes = [=[Cotton grows in [[Plains (Civ4Col)|Plains]], especially where [[Cotton (Resource) (Civ4Col)|Cotton]] is found.]=],
        cp=[[Cotton is a white fluffy plant that has been used the world 'round for clothing and fabric for almost five thousand years. This versatile plant grows naturally in both hemispheres, surviving in a wide variety of climates. The earliest accounts of cotton come from the Indus River valley in modern Pakistan. From there it spread to Europe and Africa, and eventually to the New World. Taking root in the southern English colonies, the cotton industry of the New World quickly became the primary supplier of Europe's cotton demands, thanks in large part to the invention of the cotton gin in 1793. The American South would remain the most important source of cotton until the 19th century, when America's slave-based economy crumbled and Egypt took the reigns as the world's primary cotton provider.]]}
data["Education"] = {
	notes = [=[Produced by colonists working at a [[Schoolhouse (Civ4Col)|Schoolhouse]], [[College (Civ4Col)|College]], or [[University (Civ4Col)|University]].]=],
        cp=[[While teaching one's offspring to avoid danger and not eat the purple berries has been a facet of mankind's everyday life since time immemorial, formalized systems of education did not begin to blossom in the western world until the first millennium AD. During the Middle Ages, bodies of higher learning blossomed across Europe and the Middle East. In Europe, these institutions were in large part created to educate new priests and monks, as well as a select few among the upper classes. This trend carried over to the New World, where many of the earliest bodies of higher learning - the University of Santiago, Harvard - were founded with the purpose of educating the next generation of clergy. Eventually the colleges and universities of the New World grew more diverse in their curriculums and fields of study, including law, medicine, astronomy, and cartography among their teachings. With time the New World would become a world center of education.]]}
data["Food"] = {
	notes = [=[Each colonist working inside a colony eats 2 food every turn.]=],
        cp=[[Oddly enough, one item conspicuously lacking from the manifests of many of the early European ships bound for the New World was food. Whether through ill planning or extreme optimism, many expeditions failed to bring sufficient food for their colonists to subsist upon until they achieved self-sufficiency. Many starved to death in the early years of colonization. Only through the goodhearted actions of certain native groups were the early colonies able to survive. However, those who did survive eventually discovered that their new homes rested atop a veritable breadbasket, and colonial food production boomed.]]}
data["Furs"] = {
        madeinto = "Coats",
	notes = [=[Fur is found in [[Ice (Civ4Col)|Ice]] and all [[forest (Civ4Col)|forested]] areas, but especially in colder terrains where there is [[Fur (Resource) (Civ4Col)|Fur]].]=],
        cp=[[The wide variety of exotic fauna in the New World fascinated the citizenry of Europe, but none captured their hearts quite like the beaver. The pelts of this small, semi-aquatic mammal became a highly-valued commodity in French and English colonies. The water-resistant nature of the beaver's fur made it the perfect canvas for the haberdasher - the hat maker - to create clothing which could keep its wearer both fashionable and dry. Beaver skin hats remained popular in Europe until the 19th century.]]}
data["Guns"] = {
        madefrom = "Tools",
	notes = [=[Guns may be purchased in Europe or manufactured at an armory, magazine, or arsenal. Any colonist working as a gunsmith can convert tools into guns.]=],
        cp = [[Gunpowder was invented in the 9th century in China, where it was primarily used in fireworks displays. Once acquired by the Arabs, however, the noisy powder was put to a new use - launching heavy balls of stone or metal through the air at incredible speeds. By the time black powder was being deployed on the battlefields of Europe in the 15th century, gunpowder weapons had become portable enough to be carried by a single soldier. When the Europeans arrived in the New World, firearms were a decisive factor in the European dominance over the natives.]]}
data["Production"] = {
        madefrom = "Lumber",
	notes = [=[Any colonist working as a carpenter can make {{Hammer4}} from lumber. This particular good cannot be transported as cargo, and therefore cannot be sold either.]=],
        cp=[[The early colonists found themselves amidst a cornucopia of productive materials. Endless forests and rich mineral deposits made the New World a vast store of industrial wealth, and the European transplants quickly went to work harvesting it. Timber was felled up and down the eastern seaboard as log cabins and wooden manors rose from their foundations. Great swathes of earth were shifted to reach the rich minerals hidden within the bowels of the New World. Before long, an industrial society arose and the New World became a hotbed of production. Because of the sheer abundance of materials, the price of goods from the New World was a mere fraction of what it was in the Old. Before long, the colonies were among the most important industrial centers on the planet.]]}
data["Horses"] = {
	notes = [=[Horses can be obtained only in Europe, but once brought over, they may be bred, if you have a [[Stable (Civ4Col)|Stable]] or [[Ranch (Civ4Col)|Ranch]].]=],
        cp = [[The native horses of the Americas disappeared around 8000 BC, leaving the llama and buffalo as the continents' sole potential war mounts, which the natives understandably passed on, neither being suitable for riding. The arrival of the Europeans brought the horse back to the New World. This caused massive upheavals throughout native societies, with some tribes - the Comanche, for example - taking better advantage of the valuable new resource than others. Before the arrival of the horse, the Comanche were a lesser division of the Shoshone tribe. Upon mastering the horse, the Comanche seceded from the Shoshone, becoming a major power in themselves. Many were the colonists heading west who feared a Comanche raid, so renowned were the skills of these native riders.]]}
data["Lumber"] = {
        madeinto = "Production",
	notes = [=[[[Forest (Civ4Col)|Forest]] of all sorts is good for wood cutting.]=],
        cp=[[From the vast woods of New England and the Pacific Northwest to the seemingly endless rainforests of Brazil, lumber was a resource that was extremely easy to come by in the New World. For almost three hundred years, while Europe developed their economies on wind, water and coal power, the colonies of the New World heated their homes, powered their forges and eventually drove their steam engines almost exclusively on wood. Lumber was similarly indispensable in the physical creation of colonial society. Homes in the English colonies of North America were almost entirely built from wood, simply because of the sheer abundance of the material.]]}
data["Ore"] = {
        madeinto = "Tools",
	notes = [=[Ore is found in [[hills (Civ4Col)|hills]], [[peaks (Civ4Col)|peaks]], and [[desert (Civ4Col)|deserts]], and where [[Iron (Resource) (Civ4Col)|Iron]] is found.]=],
        cp = [[Very few minerals or metals come from the Earth ready for human usage. Most arrive chemically bound to other, unnecessary elements that must be removed. Minerals in this raw state are known as ore and must be processed to become useful. Iron ore, for example, is brittle and easily rusted in its natural state. After being smelted and processed by a blacksmith, however, iron can be shaped into artwork, beaten into tools or weapons or poured into whatever mold its caster desires.]]}
data["Rum"] = {
        madefrom = "Sugar",
	notes = [=[Any colonist working as a distiller can convert sugar into rum.]=],
        cp=[[Rum, an alcoholic beverage made from sugar, was thought to be invented in Southeast Asia, but only became one of the world's favorite libations upon its arrival in the New World. Molasses, a sickly-sweet syrup left over when refining sugar, became the key ingredient for the creation of rum and by the 17th century, rum had grown into a profitable business of the Caribbean and New England. Over the next three hundred years, rum production grew into a massive industry -- in fact, rum companies were some of the world's first multi-national corporations.]]}
data["Silver"] = {
	notes = [=[Silver is always found in [[Peaks (Civ4Col)|Peaks]], and tiles with [[Silver (Resource) (Civ4Col)|Silver]].]=],
        cp=[[While gold has been the world's monetary standard for centuries, the abundance of silver in the New World made that metal one of great prominence in the colonies of both Spain and England. The name Argentina, the largest Spanish-speaking country in South America, is actually derived from the Latin word for silver: argentum. In the United States, the change from a gold to silver monetary standard was a major issue in numerous elections, as those with substantial silver holdings would have immediately seen the value of their wealth skyrocket if such a measure had ever passed.]]}
data["Sugar"] = {
        madeinto = "Rum",
	notes = [=[Sugar grows in [[Marsh (Civ4Col)|Marsh]], especially where [[Sugar (Resource) (Civ4Col)|Sugar]] is found.]=],
        cp=[[Sugar first reached Europe through the Arab Empire, founders of the world's first sugar industry. Production of the sweet eventually spread to Spain and Portugal during their time under Arab rule. Once those nations re-established their sovereignty, sugar production spread with their empires across the sea. It became the primary export of the Portuguese colony of Brazil, which soon established dominance over the world's tastiest trade. The nation remains the world's primary producer of sugar to this day.]]}
data["Tobacco"] = {
        madeinto = "Cigars",
	notes = [=[Tobacco grows in [[Grassland (Civ4Col)|Grassland]], especially where [[Tobacco (Resource) (Civ4Col)|Tobacco]] is found.]=],
        cp=[[Tobacco has been consumed for thousands of years by natives of the Americas. Smoked, chewed, liquefied and drunk, tobacco was used from the depths of the Yucatan jungles to the fields of Virginia. The introduction of the Europeans to this strange weed that soothed their nerves and that, by George, they just could not stop smoking, grew into a major source of income for English colonies.<br><br>The English colony of Virginia soon dominated the tobacco industry in the New World, providing England and much of Europe with its supply. But tobacco's appeal was far from universal - the English King James I refused to allow people to smoke it in his presence, referring to it as a "noxious weede."]]}
data["Tools"] = {
        madefrom = "Ore",
        madeinto = "Guns",
	notes = [=[Tools may be bought in Europe or manufactured by blacksmiths, who convert ore into tools.]=],
        cp = [[The smelting techniques that had been in development in Asia, Africa and Europe since the Bronze Age were never discovered in the Americas. Instead, natives were forced to make their tools from bone, wood or rock. Many native societies thrived despite this lack. Walls built by the Incans remain some of the most well designed in history, metal tools or none. This did mean, however, that arriving Europeans had a wealth of unused ore which they could process, as well as a significant industrial and military advantage over the New World's denizens.]]}
data["Trade Goods"] = {
	notes = [=[Trade goods can be obtained only in [[Europe (Civ4Col)|Europe]] or from other European settlements. These represent manufactured goods such as small tools, jewelry, and clothing, which the Indians may want to trade for. Most [[Natives (Civ4Col)|Natives]] will gladly take trade goods, at least at first.]=],
        cp = [[Because of the great technological disparities between the natives of the New World and the natives of the Old, Europeans crossing to the Americas found that many goods and trinkets they took for granted were highly-prized by peoples across the sea. While relatively skilled in working gold and silver, the New World natives were much less so in iron or sand, so to them metal and glass carried a value that far surpassed their value to the Europeans. Iron and copper pots and multi-colored glass beads, commonplace goods in Europe, could be traded for a pretty penny in the New World. In fact, European traders often made sure to carry extra trade goods just in case they needed to buy themselves out of a sticky situation.]]}
return data