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 "A multitude of rulers is not a good thing, let there be one ruler, one king."
– Herodotus


Boosts happiness.
Monarchy allows the Hereditary Rule civic, which grants happiness in cities when military units are stationed in them. It also enables workers to build the Winery improvement.

Civilopedia entry[]

Rule by monarchy developed as a logical extension of the absolute rule of tribal chieftains. Many of the earliest monarchs, such as those in ancient Egypt, claimed that they ruled by divine right. In the spread of European monarchy during the Middle Ages, however, rulership was generally conveyed upon a leader who could most effectively raise and command an army.

Monarchies are dynastic, with rule of the country passing to the eldest son when the king dies or retires. Monarchs had absolute rule over their subjects, severely limiting the personal and economic freedom of all citizens except for nobility and the rich upper class. Although monarchies ruled most of Europe for centuries, the unhappiness of lower-class citizens eventually grew intolerable, causing several major revolutions. By the mid-18th century, the power of the European monarchs had been severely limited, paving the way for participatory systems of government.

See also[]

Civilization IV Technologies [edit]
Ancient Agriculture Animal Husbandry Archery Bronze Working Fishing Hunting Masonry Meditation Mining Monotheism Mysticism Polytheism Pottery Priesthood Sailing The Wheel Writing
Classical AestheticsB Alphabet Calendar Code of Laws Compass Construction Currency Drama Horseback Riding Iron Working Literature Mathematics Metal Casting Monarchy
Medieval Banking Civil Service Divine Right Engineering Feudalism Guilds Machinery Music Optics Paper Philosophy Theology
Renaissance Astronomy Chemistry Constitution Corporation Democracy Economics Education Gunpowder Liberalism Military ScienceB Military Tradition Nationalism Printing Press Replaceable Parts Rifling
Industrial Artillery Assembly Line Biology Combustion Communism Electricity Fascism Fission Industrialism Medicine Physics Railroad Scientific Method Steam Power Steel
Modern Advanced FlightB Composites Computers Ecology Fiber Optics Flight LaserB Mass Media Plastics Radio Refrigeration Robotics Rocketry Satellites SuperconductorsB
Future Fusion Future Tech Genetics StealthB
B Added in Beyond the Sword
