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In Civilization IV, the religious shrines are the most sacred buildings of religions. Players usually just call them shrines since there are no other shrines in the game. Each religion has its own shrine, but other than their names and their particular religious affiliation, all the shrines have exactly the same attributes.

List of Shrines[]

Religion Shrine
Buddhism (Civ4) Buddhism Mahabodhi Mahabodhi
Christianity (Civ4) Christianity Church of the Nativity Church of the Nativity
Confucianism (Civ4) Confucianism Kong Miao Kong Miao
Hinduism (Civ4) Hinduism Kashi Vishwanath Kashi Vishwanath
Islam (Civ4) Islam Masjid Al-Haram Masjid Al-Haram
Judaism (Civ4) Judaism Temple of Solomon Temple of Solomon
Taoism (Civ4) Taoism Dai Miao Dai Miao

Building a Shrine[]

To build a shrine, you must generate a Great Prophet. When you have a Great Prophet, you must move him to the holy city for the religion you want to build a shrine. Once you have done that, you will see that the button to make that shrine has become active. (If the city is the holy city for more than one religion, you'll see more than one of the shrine buttons are active.) Press a shrine's button, and the particular shrine is built instantly; the Great Prophet is consumed in the process. It is possible to have 2 shrines under one city. Be aware that the City of that Civilization who founded that religion can build Shrines.
