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Settler Info Card

Fan-made Card depicting the Settler Unit from Civ5

Game Info

Civilian unit for expanding your empire.

  • Actions:


The Settler is used to found a new city. All civilizations and city-states begin the game with at least one Settler, but city-states (and Venice) cannot produce Settlers. Settlers cannot defend themselves, and are easily captured unless protected by a combat unit (which can be stationed in the same tile as the Settler).

Settlers consume all surplus Food Food Food in the city while they are being produced, effectively halting population growth; "stagnation" is displayed in place of the number of turns until a new 20xPopulation5 Population Citizen is born. A portion of the surplus Food Food Food is converted into Production Production Production towards the Settler at diminishing rates. A point of Production Production Production is granted at the first, second, fourth, and eighth surplus Food Food Food and every fourth Food Food Food afterwards.[1] This conversion process helps to reduce the negative impact of Settler production in cities with more excess Food Food Food, so that it is not always most efficient to produce a Settler in a city with the most Production Production Production and least excess Food Food Food.

A civilization may only acquire a Settler by producing or purchasing one themselves; a Settler captured by a different civilization immediately becomes a Worker. A city must have at least 2 20xPopulation5 Population Citizens before it can produce Settlers.

Civilopedia entry

Pioneers drive civilization. While most are satisfied with the status quo, happy just to survive, in every culture there are a few hardy individuals willing to strike out on their own, to risk everything in the hope of finding a better life for themselves and their children. In the past, brave settlers have led humanity out of Africa and into Europe, Asia, the Pacific, and the Americas. In the future they may lead the way to the moon, Mars, and even beyond.


  1. PrimEvalCiv. "How food contributes to settler production." YouTube, 17 April 2013.