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 ""Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.""
– Sun Tzu
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Game Info

  • Gives a big bonus to Culture Culture Culture (+6) early on. (GodsKings5 clear)
  • Creates a copy of each type of military unit you currently possess. (BNW-only)


The Terracotta Army is a unique wonder in every sense - it creates free soldiers for you! There are some tricks, though - the extra units are created for each unit type you possess, not for each unit! So, if you want to make the most of the wonder, try to produce as many types of units as you can while building the wonder.

Note that the sudden rush of units may turn against you - there will be a sudden rise in Gold Gold Gold maintenance costs for your army, so be prepared for that!

Typically, this is a pretty poor wonder. The expensive cost in production will only be worth it with a diverse army, and diverse armies are rarely used, whether warmonger or peaceful player. It's often better to focus on infrastructure.

Historical info

Unearthed by Chinese farmers in 1974, the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang was assembled to accompany the emperor in his burial tomb. Constructed during the 3rd century BC, workers created thousands of life-sized earthen figures, with each soldier having unique characteristics added during their construction. Positioned in proper military formation along deep pits carved within the tomb, the soldiers of the Terracotta Army are joined by horses, chariots, and cavalry which were also replicated in great detail.

